Government Filings EDGAR Search Results

This page shows the results of an Government Filings Search. A list of tables is shown in the page for filings that satisfy the criteria that you specified in the Government Filings Search page.

If a large number of filings are found, they are divided into groups of 10 and the first of these groups is displayed in the page. To view the other groups, use the Results Page navigation buttons above the right side of the tables. Further details of the use of these are given below.

To add the company of a filing to the Company Analysis List, click on the Company Analysis Listbutton above the company table.

If your search has produced a large number of results you may wish to refine the list. Use the Change Search Criteria button to return to the Government Filings Search page.

To view a filing on the screen in HTML format, choose the Text link in the filing table. The text of the filing will be display in a window on the screen.

The filing can also be viewed in Microsoft Word format by using the MS Word link in the filing table.

If appropriate, an MS Excel link will also be available. This enables the filing to be viewed in Microsoft Excel, using separate worksheets for each section or table.

If the filing is available in that format, a PDF link will also appear. This enables the filing to be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To print a filing, choose the Print Document link. This will download the filing and display a standard Print dialogue. You can select your usual printing options from there.

You may find it convenient to download or print several filings in one operation. This can be achieved using the Batch option, detailed below.

Navigating between Results pages

Within a large number of results the page navigation buttons can be used to move between the multiple pages. You can move to the next page, previous page or directly to a particular page, as indicated in the diagram:

Page Navigation.jpg


Using the Batch Options

Several filings can be downloaded or printed in one operation using the Batch facility that is available in this page.

To download or print multiple filings

1.     Set the check box at the right of the each filing row that you wish to download or print.

2.     Choose the Click here for Batch Printing/Downloading link at the top of any of the filing tables.
This will display a Print or Download dialogue.

3.     In the dialogue, choose the appropriate button to download the selected filings as Text or in Microsoft Word format, or to print them all.
The download options will cause the filings to be displayed in separate Text or Word windows on the screen. The printing option will display the filings in one window and then display a standard Print dialogue. You can select your usual printing options from there. Close the window(s) after viewing or printing the filings.

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